I'm Up At 2AM Because...
I'm getting my butt kicked by KILLER acid reflux from the tuna salad I had for dinner. Tuna salad - REALLY?! UGH!
At least I'm not up because Alice is "crying" and screaming for no reason.
For once.
I'm getting my butt kicked by KILLER acid reflux from the tuna salad I had for dinner. Tuna salad - REALLY?! UGH!
At least I'm not up because Alice is "crying" and screaming for no reason.
For once.
Posted by
1:58 AM
And I've hardly mentioned this pregnancy! Granted I haven't posted much either, but we won't bring that up again. So far things have been going well. I had the typical 1st trimester morning sickness and fatigue accompanied by killer migraines. Once I hit 13 or 14 weeks though things started to get back to normal. I'm still feeling a bit of fatigue, and I'm having some mild pregnancy related tachycardia, but it's nothing I didn't have with Alice. My doctors figured then that I'm just sensitive to pregnancy induced anemia, and they seem to think the same this time around. Thankfully I've already had all the testing done so I don't have to go through any of that again this time around (THANK THE LORD!).
I've been feeling the baby kick for quite a while now, but nothing that was too significant. In fact, up until a few weekends ago I never had a kick that I was 100% sure was baby and not gas (seriously). I was pretty sure, but it wasn't until we went to go see Changeling that I was absolutely sure I was getting whacked by the baby. I swear the little stinker didn't stop moving the whole time we were in the movie theater! In fact since then I've felt the baby A LOT (a lot more than I ever felt Alice at this stage) every day. It's kind of nice, especially since it's not the DAMMIT KID, THAT HURTS! kind of movement yet.
Posted by
11:12 PM
This weekend was full of LOTS of baking. Cheesecake, peanut butter blossoms, sugar cookie cut outs, banana cake for my FIL, puppy chow, and cream cheese foldovers were all on the to do list on Saturday! It seemed like we baked ALL day, but I seem to forget that huge chunk of time where Alice napped on me, Matt napped on the couch (will get to Alice's horrible sleep habits in a later post) and I watched a Christmas themed movie or two on TCM. Needless to say it was quite fun baking with the whole fam! I seriously can't believe how big a help Alice was - she even perfected the dip and squish of the foldover dough!
Posted by
2:16 PM
Up next - a visit from the Jolly Man himself. SANTA! He showed up at my Mother and Father in law's house 10 days early to check in on the Bathje clan, and he brought with him a big bag of presents (did you expect anything less from Santa?) for all the little kiddos.
Posted by
12:56 PM
I realized I had better make a post or two about all that has gone on this Holiday Season before Thursday comes and goes. We'll start this trio of posts off with decorating the tree. This year, surprisingly, we did it on time! Matt and I usually don't even get the tree up until very close to Christmas, which means we leave it up well into (and I mean WELL) the new year so we can have some time to enjoy it. This year, however, Matt scored some serious brownie points with me when he put up the tree and the lights while Alice and I were still down in J'ville visiting Grandma and Grandpa. All Alice and I had to do was add the ornaments and it instantly felt like Christmas!!
And yes she wore her Halloween outfit from Grandma and Grandpa to decorate the tree. What can I say, nothing gets worn once around here!
Posted by
11:44 AM
So Matt updated you on most of our trip home. The rest consisted of holiday shopping with Grandpa, hanging out with Uncle Chuck, flirting with Travis - the contractor (Alice flirted, NOT me!), naming fishies after Travis, listening to Travis make lots of noise in the "brown" bathroom, baking cookies, and waiting for Grandma to come home from work (we did a lot of this, although one night we went to Grandma and got to watch a Jr. High Basketball game - woo hoo!). The following are picture outtakes from our time spent in J'ville.
Posted by
11:23 AM
Apparently we were hibernating or something between November 2 and Thanksgiving break, as we have no pictures during that period. The above was taken on 12/10. I guess that means we jump right into Thanksgiving pictures.
We visited Jacksonville for the entire week before Thanksgiving, so we got to spend a lot of time with Grandma Cindy, Grandpa Charlie, Auntie Tori and Uncle Chuck. Aunt JJ, Uncle Ryan and, of course, GG all stopped by to visit as well. The entire trip was a lot of fun; we just hung around the house and relaxed most of the time - which is pretty much my idea of heaven, even if it sounds boring.
GG stayed with us in Jacksonville for about 2 days, but we unfortunately didn't get any good pictures of it.
Posted by
8:29 PM
These pictures were taken on November 2, 2008. A few weekends before that Auntie Annie decided it would be fun for the kids to play in the leaves - which it would have been if there were more than 4 total leaves at that point. The 2nd was more when her plans came to fruition, plus it was just a really nice fall day.
Posted by
8:34 PM
If you dare to gaze at the horrors of the Creepy Floating Fetus in the sidebar, you will notice that Becky is around 20 weeks into the pregnancy. This is considered the halfway point for most human pregnancies.
Becky had a doctor appointment this morning, and they say things are going well. The doctor actually was trying to kill some time because Becky didn't have any problems or questions. Next week is the 20 week ultrasound - we explained that to Alice so she keeps saying "see the baby on the TV?"
The baby is starting to move around pretty hardcore, so Becky is starting to internally feel the kicks and punches. Hopefully that means Alice and I will get to start feeling them soon as well - I can't wait to see Alice's reaction.
We are also still working on coming up with names. None of the "other" ones we came up with to potentially name Alice seem very good anymore, so we are looking at anything right now. Since we liked Alice so much, the list so far is:
Posted by
6:48 PM
Since Becky isn't feeling up to posting much and everybody is yelling at her for updates, I'm going to help out and post occasionally.
A quick update on what has been going on with us.
Posted by
9:23 PM
Posted by
5:24 PM
A little over a week late. Seriously you really can't complain, it's pretty par for the course for me. :) This was the first year Alice actually went Trick-or-Treating and MAN did she have a blast! We went over to Nicole and Paul's house so we could go out with them, and later we ate dinner together. Alice nearly jumped out of her skin when she realized that we could go from door to door with a little bag and say "Trick-or-Treat" and complete strangers would give us candy. 9 times out of 10 she said those words long before we ever got to the door. One observation I made was that my BARELY two year old had MUCH better manners than 90% of the kids (and a good portion of the adults too) we saw - and for the most part she did it unprompted.
She had a hard time going up the stairs carrying a bag bogged down with candy (she refused to let anyone else carry it) so I usually went up with her which meant people had to wait for the two of us to come up and down the narrow stairs (most of the homes we went to were all by the same builder so they had the same stairs) together. There were even a few ADULTS who pushed their way in front of Alice and I just so they could get to the door with their babies sooner. Needless to say I was quite happy when some of the homeowners refused to give them candy until Alice got hers because afterall she was there first. It wasn't the Halloween I remember when I was a kid (is it really Halloween when it's sunny and a high of 72*F?), but it was a good night that we ended in Paul and Nicole's backyard roasting S'mores.
Posted by
6:03 PM
2 - number of years Alice has been on earth.
3 - number of people who were here to celebrate Alice's actual Bday (Uncle Chuck came a day earlier than most).
60 - the number of dollars Dad spent on Panera and White Castle for the Rice clan before we set up for the party (Uh, I mean 50. Yeah, 50).
1,200 - number of square feet in our house, and that's a generous estimate.
24 - number of people who crammed into about 500 of that.
5 - number of people who didn't outwardly mind sitting next to a cat box (not my idea, I promise!).
1 - the number of people in attendance who DIDN'T know I'm pregnant (maybe that someone should check his email more often then).
5 - number of dishes we made to serve all of our hungry guests (one being an excellent rendition of mom's potato salad - MMMMMM!).
1 - number of train wrecked, albeit very tasty, cakes.
1 - number of children I have with a split personality (Alice laughed, then cried, then laughed, etc when we sang "Happy Birthday" to her).16 - number of presents received.
4 - number of presents thrown to the wayside - and they were all clothing.
10 - number of years worth of PlayDough we now have.
3 - the number of hours most people stayed.
0 - the number of dishes I personally ended up washing - thanks to my MIL and Cindy.
5 - number of guests who slept on the floor or couches (Dad got Alice's bed).
1 - number of scratched eyes endured at the hand of a balloon on a stick (and of course it was the Bday girl).
1 - number of migraines I had by the end of the night.
MANY - the number of people we wish could have been there.
That's all the pictures you get from the weekend. Why you ask? Well because we don't have many more that are worth sharing. When your house is crowded, you've got a migraine that just won't go away, and 20+ guests on their way in or out of your house the last think I think about is taking pictures (plus I'm thinking we REALLY need a zoom - anyone want to buy one for me?!). Of course that's MY excuse, Matt will have to find his own.
If any of you who were here have pictures you are willing to share, please email them to me!
Posted by
4:44 PM
We had a special treat this week, Auntie Mary and her boyfriend Andy came over for a visit with the then soon to be birthday girl. We had plans to carve pumpkins, eat yummy pizza, and a beautiful birthday cake made by Auntie Mary. We were celebrating her birthday early because Mary won't be able to join us tomorrow for all the festivities. We definitely had a good time!
Posted by
9:54 AM