
Pumpkins and Bday Cake

We had a special treat this week, Auntie Mary and her boyfriend Andy came over for a visit with the then soon to be birthday girl. We had plans to carve pumpkins, eat yummy pizza, and a beautiful birthday cake made by Auntie Mary. We were celebrating her birthday early because Mary won't be able to join us tomorrow for all the festivities. We definitely had a good time!

Alice was still sleeping when Mary and Andy arrived.
In true Mommy fashion I decided to take a pic of her looking like an angel.
(By the way, that's "Daddy Doll" she's sleeping with.
One of the many items that we rotate at bedtime.
If we didn't she'd be lost in a sea of stuffed animals.)

The camera flash woke her up. Good thing too, Auntie was ready to scoop her up!

We started the pumpkin carving with out Daddy. We would have been up very late if we had!
Big thanks to Andy who played photographer for the night with my camera.
I really didn't want to get pumpkin guts on it!

I thought she'd be all over touching the pumpkin guts,
but she really didn't care one way or the other.

She sure did love using the big giant spoon though!

Surprisingly she didn't loose interest once.
I thought for sure after 20 minutes she'd be ready to get out of the booster seat and go play.

She was still sitting there when Daddy got home!

She was pretty upset that I wouldn't let her use a knife herself.
I had to resort to telling her to play blocks with the pieces to distract her.

When we were done and just waiting for the pizza to arrive,
(and for Matt to finish his pumpkin)
we decided to let her open her present.
I can't wait for tonight when she opens some from us
and the one from Mike, Rae, and Kaylee
because she totally gets what presents are now.
In fact I've been dealing with constant meltdowns since the package
from AZ arrived because I won't let her open it NOW!

She very much enjoyed singing Happy Birthday to herself.
Yes, she sang it, very enthusiastically I might add, to herself.
I'm hoping she does the same thing tomorrow so I can get it on video.

And here are the pumpkins - one for every member of the family. ;)

I can't believe my little girl is TWO! It's so amazing to see how much she's grown in just two short years. They've definitely been some of the best years of my life! Well we've got a lot left to do today to get ready for tomorrow (one of the big things is making the cakes) so I should probably run. Will hopefully update with pics from tonight before I head off to bed tonight, don't hold your breath though. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Alice's Birthdy, Bex. What a wonderful day for your family. I love you and can't wait to celebrate with you tomorrow!