
Baby Update

If you dare to gaze at the horrors of the Creepy Floating Fetus in the sidebar, you will notice that Becky is around 20 weeks into the pregnancy. This is considered the halfway point for most human pregnancies.

Becky had a doctor appointment this morning, and they say things are going well. The doctor actually was trying to kill some time because Becky didn't have any problems or questions. Next week is the 20 week ultrasound - we explained that to Alice so she keeps saying "see the baby on the TV?"

The baby is starting to move around pretty hardcore, so Becky is starting to internally feel the kicks and punches. Hopefully that means Alice and I will get to start feeling them soon as well - I can't wait to see Alice's reaction.

We are also still working on coming up with names. None of the "other" ones we came up with to potentially name Alice seem very good anymore, so we are looking at anything right now. Since we liked Alice so much, the list so far is:


  • Alice-ter

  • Alice-son
  • Alice-ia
Or we could go all George Foreman and just name all our children Alice. We'll see.

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