
gee, do you think alice likes her daddy?

...and i didn't even start filming until she had been laughing for 5 minutes or so.

on another note, alice is going back to the doctor tomorrow. she has some sort of infection in her eye and the nurse said we'd be better off coming in now rather than waiting to see if it got better with warm compresses. i have to say it looks better today than it did yesterday since i started doing the compresses. hopefully she won't pass it to matt or i.

matt's last day of physical therapy (for sciatica) is on thrusday. we're all very happy about this because this means he'll actually start coming home at a decent hour now. 5.30pm is going to be SO much better than 8.30pm. i know he really misses his baby. i'm just happy he can walk like a regular human again.


4 month checkup

well alice had her 4 month checkup today. i can't even believe she's that old already! whoever said they grow up fast wasn't kidding. she's not as long as i thought she was but that's good news b/c that means she probably won't outgrow the current carseat until the new one arrives (it's on backorder for 3 weeks). she's right on target when it comes to reflexes and milestones which makes me very happy. the doctor was glad to hear that the reflux issues seemed to work themselves out (although she did spew all over me while i was there, which is very rare now a days). all in all it was a good visit. she of course had her shots again today (and she's currently sleeping off the tylenol in her carseat) and she did incredibly well. she cried and cried when it was happening, but as soon as it was over she was fine just really sleepy. we hadn't even hit the parking lot and she was asleep. so here are her current stats and stats from her 2 month. she's currently in the 90th percentile for length and 75th for weight.


my little giggle monster

i finally got around to editing this video so it's almost a month old. meh, oh well. here's our giggle monster in all her glory!


she's getting SO big!!

look at how big my baby is getting! Ahh, I remember a while ago thinking her legs will NEVER reach the little feet on the bottom (they are buttons that made noise when she kicks them) and now look at my monster! She has her 4 month appointment next Monday so we’ll get the official weight and length check. She has to be at least 28 inches by now!

BY THE WAY...the cereal feeding is going well. she hasn't cried in her sleep but once since saturday (thank the Lord! getting up every 20 minutes to put a plug in her mouth was getting old!). today i even gave her some cereal with one of her afternoon bottles and she FINALLY took a long nap. let's hope this continues.


my little girl is growing up...

so in an effort to curb the sleep issues she's been having matt and i decided we'd try giving alice baby rice cereal with her bed time bottle. i was prepared for her not to like it. i was prepared for her to spit it out. i was even prepared for her to scream bloody murder, but the kid surprised me...she wolfed it down! here's hoping this does the trick! mommy is used to sleeping through the night!

"hey where's my bottle?"

"what's this stuff...this isn't formula!!"

"hmm...this isn't half bad."



and she ate ALL of it...plus a bottle!

SIDE NOTE: the funny looking seat she's in is called a bumbo. it allows babies to sit upright and feel like they are on their own and not leaning against something. she really loves to sit upright and she likes this much better than being propped up against the couch. another one of those "you don't need it and it's horribly overpriced" items, but she really seems to love it so why not indulge the kid?? i also just found out they make a tray for it so i think i'm going to have to order one. :)


my baby is addicted...

...addicted to the swaddle! i thought that we had a good chance of breaking her of the habit this weekend as she's been getting good at napping w/o it but boy was i wrong. she went down w/o it after a good fight (and it only took an hour and a half), but the wee one was up again after only 3 hours and that just isn't a good enough stretch when mommy is used to getting 8+ hours out of her. so of course that night she ended up in bed w/ me because i just couldn't find the energy to put her back to sleep when cradling her in my arms in bed will do the trick for me. night two rolls around and she wasn't cooperating by any means. she'd fall asleep, but not much time would pass before she was up screaming bloody murder again. so i relented and wrapped my baby up like a burrito and the silly thing slept the whole night w/o one incident. i know she'll break the habit sooner or later, i'm just hoping we won't need to invest in a straight jacket when she's 13.


photoshop fun

click pic for a better view.

well i was finally able to take an hour long break from the babe and play in photoshop. the above is what i created and i have to say it's not bad for just making it up as i went along. oddly enough i haven't even touched my PS book that i bought with the xmas gift card from charles (THANK YOU!) that would require more time to actually sit down and read it as i experiment. but these days all i have time for is exploring on my own. it's good enough for now, but someday i'd like to actually edit my photos, and not just embellish them. :)

nobody likes me... everybody hates me...

I'm gonna eat some worms.


what are these things?!

lately i've been finding alice in this position. she's FINALLY discovered these things attached to her, but she's still not 100% sure what to do with them. she'll hold things, and reach for things, and stuff her fists in her mouth, but she's still trying to figure out exactly what they are for and how to use them.

on another note, she is SOOO close to rolling over! she loves to pick her head and chest up, and last night with my mother in law she almost sat up all the way! it's unbelievable how quick they change!


happy 100th day!

well folks, alice is officially 100 days old! woo hoo!
time to celebrate with a gift from her great aunt mary.

around xmas time, alice got a package from her GA mary. inside it was a bag of blocks with various professions written on them. inside this bag was also a little card that explained what these were all about. it read:

In Korea, on a baby's 100th day, family and friends get
a peek into the child's future. During the celebration,
parents place objects representing different professions
on a table and whatever the baby touches is
said to fortell their destiny.

now there wasn't a clean table handy,
so the bed will have to do.

"now...which block should i choose..."

"hey...how come there is no ice cream tester block??"

looks like alice is going to work with animals!

"now get the heck out of here, i'm sleepy!"