
Playing Catchup

These pictures were taken on November 2, 2008. A few weekends before that Auntie Annie decided it would be fun for the kids to play in the leaves - which it would have been if there were more than 4 total leaves at that point. The 2nd was more when her plans came to fruition, plus it was just a really nice fall day.

Augie, Alice and Amanda hamming it up for the camera

I guess we didn't realize they were marijuana leaves

No funny caption for these 2, I just thought they were cute.

You may notice that these pictures don't look as professional as the ones Becky uploads. That is for 3 reasons. First and foremost, I'm lazy. Second, I'm stupid (what the heck does overexposed mean, which was the criticism Becky had for many of these pictures?) Third and maybe most importantly, I don't have the mad photochopping skillz like Becky...so deal with it.

Finally - a personal note to James - if my posts aren't good enough for you, just don't read them. But also don't look at all the cute pictures of your god daughter...jerk :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the pictures and hope you keep 'em coming, Matt! Someone's gotta pick up Becky's slack, and you're doing an admirable job!