
Ten on Tuesday

Maggie had the idea that Mike and I should start posting ten things that happened this week on Tuesdays for fun. Not sure I can keep this up, but I'm going to try.

-Alice is a little fishy! Aside from when she was a baby and the lake, Alice had never really been in the water and this week so far she's played in Grandma's pool and the pool across the street from us. She did well with keeping her head out of the water while we weren't holding on to her (she had on water wings), kicking, and sticking her face in the water.

-Alice now knows all of her letters by sight and can name them. We haven't yet worked on getting them in order though. In fact I've hardly worked on them with her at all. I swear she knows all her letters because she watches Sesame Street nearly every day (hey, I told you before this kid has one vice, Sesame Street). I thought letters would be too hard for her at this age, but one day she just started bringing blocks to me and saying a letter and wouldn't you know it 90% of the time she was right.

-Alice's new favorite book is one called "Counting Kisses" by Karen Katz. She runs and grabs the book exclaiming "baby! baby!" She'll sit and have me read it and on every page she has to kiss the baby just like in the book.

-I was inspired by Kaylee's independence when it comes to eating and decided to let Alice try eating the more messier items with a utensil. She's doing incredibly well and now loves to feed herself yogurt, chili, and cottage cheese.

-She's officially off the paci! She hasn't really used one in a while, but last week when she was sick I gave in a few times and let her have it at nap time. They are now safely stored away in case of emergency, but I'd be willing to be they are gone for good.

-Matt and I realized this week that we need to nip the swearing in the bud. She's repeated a few choice words here and there so it's definitely time to clean things up a bit.

-It really hasn't hit me yet that James really is a world away.

-The highchair is officially retired as well. After seeing how well she eats at the table on vacation, we decided it was time to put the chair away and opt to eat at the table together.

-I think of James every time we open that Richard Scarry word book as the title page has a giant moose on it. The other day Alice started putting her hands to her head like uncle James does every time he says moose. I know he'd be proud (got to get that on video)!

-I saved the best for last, as of tonight Alice is in a regular bed! I can hardly believe it actually. It wasn't planned, but when I was getting her ready for bed she kept mentioning that the crib was a bed and that the guest bed was a bed. So for the heck of it I asked her if she wanted to sleep in the big bed and her eyes lit up and she said yes. We had to ask Daddy to make sure he was ok with the idea, and of course he couldn't even fathom that she might be ready for it at 21 months. I knew I'd be the one up with her anyway, so we gave it a go. So far the only peep I've heard from her was when I tried to sneak in and take a pic. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!


Cindy Rice said...

She will soon be considered a toddler, not a baby. She is moving so fast. Makes me a little teary (duh!).

Unknown said...

Ten things a week? First I've heard of this idea! (And I doubt I could keep up with it either.)

Nice to see all your photos. Totally agree about the moose in the book. No comments about your beard. A big girl bed? Wow. Random string of thoughts inserted here. But little girls swearing is cute!

Looking forward to your next post in about a month.


Anonymous said...

Bex, it was you and James, wasn't it, that were part of the Ten on Tuesdays conversation?

Although I think Mike could spill ten things out of his dome once a week for us, too. Hell, I'll even contribute!

Love you! Miss you!