
It's All Too Much For One Week

First it was the sleeping in a twin bed (which by the way is going very smoothly), then it was the eating like a big girl, then it was the packing up of old baby clothes/items for a date with the storage unit. And now the crib has been taken down, ready to be used again when the next baby comes along. Man that room looks SO bare with out it. The only proof that a baby was ever here are the pictures we have and the memories of my little girl when she could fit in the crook of my arm.

You've grown up so fast, little one.


Anonymous said...

This almost made me cry.....

Anonymous said...

It really is overwhelming, isn't it ... the realization that your baby is also a whole human being in her own right?

I love you, and Matt, and my sweet niece.

jessicat said...

In so many ways it was like yesterday but yet in so many more it seems like forever ago...

My love

niftysunburn said...

Thank god she grew up... babies are ugly.

Unknown said...

MY baby was cute.