
Ten on Tuesday

  1. Alice hasn't been eating well lately and it's starting to become an every meal thing. The other day it took her 2 hours to finish her breakfast. Granted I would have taken it away earlier and called it done had she not insisted she wasn't done. She did eat it all. I've been told this is a two year old thing - great I have an overachiever on my hands.
  2. Dad, Cindy, and Tori are coming up for the holiday weekend. Don't know what we're going to do yet, but I'm sure it involves a choo-choo and downtown. Dad, you're coming whether you like it or not - screw the lesson plans.
  3. Allergies suck. I NEVER had issues with allergies until the summer when I was pregnant with Alice. Since then they just keep getting worse every time the seasons change. Looks like fall is right around the corner - Matt, Alice, Kathy, and I are all having issues. Snuh.
  4. A certain someone celebrates his 24th birthday tomorrow. And I didn't even need a reminder in the form of email, PDA alert, etc to remember. Dad on the other hand...
  5. Let's just say that there are several reasons why Cindy has been good for him. Gone are the days of belated birthday cards, although I don't know what dad is going to do with his stockpile of them. He may have to intentionally send them off late just to clear them out of his card holder.
  6. I just placed an order to have several pictures printed, one of them being the 16 x 20 of Matt and Alice on the beach at sunset. I so cannot wait for them to get here (especially since I've heard such good things about the lab I used).
  7. Apparently I make some kick ass stir fry because Fred could not stop raving about it. He and Kathy came over for dinner on Saturday night and with every bite he'd say, "Man this is good!" I should definitely make it more often and I thought it tasted extra good myself.
  8. I can't believe September is right almost here! That means fall is nearly here, which means October is nearly here, which means Alice is nearly two. Some days I really can't believe it, and then I look at how grown up she is and I sometimes catch myself wishing to have my baby back. Of course I wouldn't trade this time for anything - there's nothing I enjoy more than to watch her figure things out.
  9. Of course that means that Matt and I REALLY need to be more aware of what comes out of our mouths as the little bugger is getting to the point where not only does she repeat things, but she starts to figure out what things mean. No more sarcastic comments at dinner, mmkay Matt?
  10. It's time to break out the crochet hooks and bring up the buckets of yarn from the storage closet. Alice needs a new hat or two and I have a few other babies that I need to make things for as well. Hey Kay, does last years monkey hat still fit? If not, you may want to place an order. And no, Mike, they still don't come in adult sizes.
Mental note - don't use blogger lists, otherwise you'll have to have your computer geek husband show you how to add spaces between using some sort of style thingy. And that really doesn't help those of you out there who aren't special enough to have a web geek for a husband.


Anonymous said...

Ten for you ...

1) Maybe Alice just doesn't like your cooking?

2) Can't wait to see y'all this weekend. I was missing you, and now I can stop missing and start hugging.

3) The allergies will subside when the environment changes. I sneeze a lot less since the divorce.

4) I forgot to mail James' card, even though I got a reminder. Actually, I would've remembered, but I haven't need stamps in so long, I don't know where to buy them.

5) So he'll have to accept a belated one from me. I'm just gonna believe that will make mine even more special. You know ... because he'll receive it sometime in October.

6) I've been working on my photo album from South Haven. And wishing the Photogenic Gods would smile on me just once. Maybe next summer?

7) The slow cooker salsa chicken was really good; I'll bring the recipe this weekend.

8) Yes, it IS almost September. Which means it's almost my biological brother's birthday.

9) I once taught my then-two-year-old nephew to say "Aunt Margot is (expletive) Outrageous." I promise not to teach the same lesson to Alice. It'll be a different name, so I don't get blamed.

10) You're right! I have to get my yarn stash and my needles out, too! Mike, maybe I'll knit you a monkey hat!

Anonymous said...

You DO make some kick ass stir fry hehe.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure about that kick-ass stirfry. I may have to try it.

(Insert not-so-well-veiled hint here)

Erika said...
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