
For Crying Out Loud

Alice has always been a very good sleeper, but lately we've been letting her cry herself to sleep at night. We've always done this to some degree, but now we literally won't go in there unless her cry sounds like a "I'm hurt" cry. Sometimes it will take her no more than 10 minutes to get to sleep, and other nights it takes over an hour - unfortunately she can't seem to find a happy medium. She has been sick for the past few weeks, and she's definitely cutting her top two front teeth (her gums are SUPER swollen and her fingers have a permanent home in her mouth) so I'm going to chalk it up to that. All I know for sure is that I'm sleeping better and her middle of the night crying fits seemed to have stopped (or maybe I'm just ignoring them?). Whatever works, right?

Oh, I'll have to see if I can get a picture of this, now that Alice can get to a seated position on her own she always sits up to cry. Well since we started letting her cry herself to sleep I've caught her sleeping half sitting up, half laying down many times. It's almost like she eventually gets so tired that she doesn't have the energy to lay down the right way, instead she just folds herself over. It's too stinkin cute, albeit very uncomfortable looking.

Not a pic of Alice sleeping, but it will have to do.
And yes I know she's mismatched today.
That was my homage to those of you who are colorblind. :)

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