
well as some of you know i spent tuesday-thursday in or at the hospital...

i’m fine, baby is fine i’m just super glad to be home.

it started on tuesday morning at my OB appointment. i was slightly lightheaded and my vision was a bit blurry and i had my normal increased heart rate. my OB wanted me to go and see my GP that day b/c he was already treating me for the palpitations and he had all of my history. before i left she told me that if i start having pain in my upper right abdomen to go to labor and delivery. i already had some of that pain so she sent me to L&D right from there. they just ran a non-stress test on me to see if everything was ok and it was so after that my OB just wanted me to make an outpatient appointment for an ultrasound on my liver and gal bladder. so i had one scheduled for wednesday.

matt and i came home and i made an urgent appointment with my GP for that day. i didn’t see my regular GP b/c he was out that day, but i saw someone else in the group. he looked over my history and he saw that dr. hrad had already done all the basic testing on me for the high heartrate/palpitations so he wanted to send me in for other testing that hadn’t been done yet. so he sent me to the ER and he called them to let them know why i was coming in.

so we get to the ER and EVERYONE was telling me “are you SURE he didn’t want you to go to labor and delivery?!” by the time the 3rd person asked me i wanted to scream OF COURSE I’M SURE!! but i didn’t. so when the ER doc saw me he had already talked to my GP so he knew why i was there. i had a chest x-ray (baby protected by the lead vest), some weird test to check for a blood clot in my lungs, and lots of bloodwork. everything came back normal except that i have a UTI and that i’m anemic. so i spent 5 hours in the ER and i think i’m going home when the ER doc comes in and tells me that my GP wants to admit me for 24 hour observation in the heart hospital! fun.

so by now it’s midnight and i get settled in to bed and matt leaves for the night thinking that i’ll get discharged tomorrow (i was told that i probably wasn’t even going to be kept for the full 24 hours). i had several tests run on wednesday including a repeat echo (this time it didn’t hurt at all!), ekg, the abdominal u/s for my OB, and u/s on my legs to check for blood clots. by mid afternoon i was still expecting to get released that day, however a nurse informed me that they will be keeping me overnight again for more observation.

thursday comes and i’m counting on getting released sometime late morning, especially since there were no more tests to be run. my OB stopped by and said from their standpoint i can be released....my GP stopped by and said i could be released so we were just waiting for the cardiologist to release me. i was informed that he was out making his rounds and should be in soon so if i wanted to call matt b/c i’d probably be released w/in the hour. so matt comes in and we wait...and wait....and wait. i didn’t order lunch b/c i thought i’d be out of there in time to get some lunch out or at home. when 2pm came i was told that for sure he’d be there soon and they gave me some graham crackers and milk to tide me over. and we still had to wait...and then wait some more. by 4pm the nurse came in and said they don’t know where the doctor is, but they guessed that he was in surgery (you’re telling me they can’t find that out??). so by 5pm i was just about to break down and order dinner when the doctor showed up. turns out he was in surgery. his visit lasted only a minute or two and he ended up releasing me too! thank God it was over! there is nothing worse than being in the hospital when you feel just fine. so i took a shower and we were out of there by 5.30pm.

the only test i don’t know about yet is the preeclampsia test. they collected my urine for 24 hours to check for protein which could indicate that i have the condition, but my OB is pretty sure that that will come out just fine.

so basically everything turned out just fine, and even though i was miserable in the hospital, i’m glad that i have doctors who are proactive and truly wanted to find out what was going on with me. so now i have to follow up soon w/ my OB and GP. i think i may talk to my OB about induction for sometime after 37 weeks (37 weeks is considered full term) b/c for everything that has been going on, the sooner the baby is delivered the better. so we’ll see what my OB has to say about that!

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