
well mike stole my title...

but my post is better. ;) we've been dealing with a cranky sleeper ever since we got back from vacation and i think we finally have a reason why. she has a tooth! well, it's more like a very tiny razorblade at the moment. last night i was poking around in alice's mouth (poor kid) and low and behold i felt something sharp. wouldn't you know it when i peered in there she has a little tiny bit of a tooth sticking out. i wondered why she had gone back to her normal sleep routine, i guess now we know why.

i know, i know. growing teeth, crawling, talking (did i mention she says "ma-ma" and "da-da" and yes she does truly mean us), these are not uncommon things - but i can't help but be intrigued by it all.

since i couldn't get her to sit still long enough to get a pic, here's a pic of all that is good in life.


Unknown said...

I came here looking for the photos of the baby who is cuter than mine ... where are they?


Anonymous said...

I've decided that Alice looks a lot like Emily except with no little top-knot.