
Uncle James Would be Proud

Ok so I'm not going to address why I've been absent because you've heard it all before from me. All that really matters is I'm posting now, right? Thought so. So tonight I decided that since we had quite a few green peppers to use up before they went bad that we'd have Texas Hash (for those of you who don't know what Texas Hash is, think the stuffing of a stuffed green pepper except a bit less meat and with the peppers cut up into it) for dinner. Man does the smell of that dish bring back memories! I can vaguely remember one night at Grandma's house and a certain Rice boy decided that he wasn't going to eat the mush Mom put in front of him. Little did he know that Mom and Dad practice cruel and unusual punishment and they made him stay at the table until the last bite (it probably took him a good hour to swallow that last one) was gone.

Alice must have the same Texas Hash hating genes that James does for as soon as I opened the lid to the pot she turned up her nose and said "Ahh dun." Pfff, at least give it a chance before you decide you hate it will you kid?! No I didn't force her to stay at the table and finish what was on her plate (had she been a few years older though this story might have a different ending), but I did make her eat about half of it before I gave in and let her have a piece of my chocolate caramel bar I saved for desert.

Though now that I think about it, Texas Hash must be an acquired taste because I remember not liking it so much when I was a kid either. I, however, was never teased for refusing to swallow a measly little mouthful of it. And I'm sure one of us had his windmill cookie for desert that night too.

My bet is on Dad.


Anonymous said...

WOW! An update! What a treat! ;)

I read somewhere that children have a higher number of functioning taste buds than adults, so things that don't taste good when you're a little one might be good later in life. Basically because you have no taste.

Which explains why I love watermelon now, and couldn't manage it when I was little. So maybe, just maybe, James and Alice will enjoy a little Texas Hash when she graduates from college?

niftysunburn said...

yeah, she'll grow into it.


Dr. Cindy S. C. Rice said...

As an adopted native of the great country of Texas...From what part of Texas comes this recipe?

Tori Carlson said...

ok, ok i love your post..... BUT SERIOUSLY!!!! I WANT PICTURES!!! I understand that you're busy and all, but so am I! Lol Start reading my blog... it'll make me feel special! I love you- TOri

Unknown said...

At least she ate half ... unless Kaylee's really in the mood to eat (which is rare) we're lucky if she takes more than a bite or two.

She's going to stay this small ...

Anonymous said...

Hey, are you just waiting for us to visit so you don't feel like you have to update? SHEESH!