
Unexpected House Guests

Aunt Corrine called me up last week wanting to know if we'd be home that night. She was in town visiting her daughter, Sarah, and wanted to know if they could come by so they could visit with Alice. Of course I said yes and hilarity ensued. Those two are a riot when you get them together. I hadn't seen Sarah in four years despite the fact that she lives 20 minutes away. Hopefully another four won't go by before I see her again.

Alice really took to Sarah...and her shiny necklace. Not long after this pic was taken Alice ripped it off Sarah's neck.

It took Alice a while before she'd go to Coco w/o crying. For some reason she seems to have that effect on Alice. hehehe. :)

I would post more pics from that day, but our camera appears to be dying. Most of the pictures turned out like this or worse. I may be getting that DSLR sooner than I thought!*

*GO TO THE LIGHT, Mr. Canon Powershot! Mommy wants a new camera!!

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