
Tucson: part 3

at the beginning of our time in tucson, little miss kaylee came down with a bug. a bug that made for some nasty diapers and one unhappy baby. i was hoping that she wouldn't share her bug with the rest of us, but by the next day mike, rae, and i were sick. i was miserable but at least i didn't have to wash poo from behind my ears in the middle of the night like another person i know (was it mike? was it rach?). we were still hopeful that the bug had run it's course, but the following day matt got sick and i think he and kay had it the worst. our last full day had come and alice was the lone healthy person of our clan. so we decided to pack up the children and drive up mt. lemmon.

i decided to sit in back with alice since she was a bit fussy and she needed to eat. big mistake. after our first stop the kid projectile vomited on me not once, but twice. and in the brand new rental car too. well we couldn't just turn around so we cleaned it up as best we could and continued up the mountain. luckily it was cool up there so the car didn't start to reak of warm, spoiled cheese. thankfully mike and rae have a spot carpet cleaner and matt was able to get the car clean for the most part. we ran into more issues on the way to the grand canyon, but that's another post.

needless to say it was certainly a car ride i will never forget.

the day started out so nicely.

gee, do you think she has something brewing??

no that's not racheal's car, it's mike's.

yes, we left the babes in the car. who wants to hold a cheesy baby or wake one from a deep sleep every couple of miles or so?


Anonymous said...

Good pictures, even if a bit tardy...
And Tucson: part 2 is where?

Unknown said...

What an awesome picture of my car. And the shot of the three of us? I much prefer the one when that little bird flew into the frame. ;-)

Still waiting for part 2 ...