
7 months

ugh, i can't believe this kid is 7 months old already! where the heck does time go? anyway, alice had her 6 month check-up a few weeks ago. all was well, except our GP was concerned that she wasn't rolling over consistently. ugh, i thought babies did things on their own terms. so anyway he wanted to see her again in 6 weeks. wouldn't you know that a few days after her appointment the girl started rolling all over the freaking place. she ended up getting a high fever for a few days from her tetanus shot and she still has a bit of a welt from that shot. poor kid. i think it was harder on me than it was on her. anyway, here are her stats. her weight is finally catching up with her height. probably because she's eating more now.

so what's alice up to now?

she already watches too much tv. hehe, no that's just her favorite toy. daddy even gave her her own remote! look how well she can sit now too. the only time she'll topple now is if she gets distracted by something.

she's quite the avid reader. give this kid a book and she'll keep herself amused for hours, i mean minutes! the only thing that holds her attention longer is her hands. she loves to sit and stare at them.

she loves to drink from big glasses, especially water. she loves the stuff.

what's the best way to keep her amused in restaurants?? give her a spoon!

i've already mentioned that she can roll over very well now, FINALLY. but i haven't mentioned that the kid is trying desperately to crawl. she can get going backwards, but she hasn't quite figured out the forwards thing yet.

and that's about it, or at least all i can think of at the moment. as for mommy and daddy, we've been getting ready for all the company next weekend. hopefully we'll be able to squeeze 19 people in our place for dinner next saturday. it should be much nicer on sunday at my in-laws house. the only downside to being there will be the massive amounts of cicadas that are out right now. damn bugs.

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