
Sunday at Grandma's

Thank the Lord for Auntie Nicole! Alice doesn't like to sleep at Grandma's house (there is just too much to see!). Normally it's not an issue, but the night before we were out late celebrating Uncle Fred's 21st so she was extra crabby. After much coaxing, Auntie finally got the little booger to take a short nap. I'm not really sure how much it helped though.

Here's Alice with cousin Amanda. She looks very Rice here, but normally you don't have to ask if these two are related they look so similar. Damn Bathje genes.

Alice definitely has a fascination w/ anything we put in our mouths lately. She was pretty mad that I didn't give her a sip of my beer...she did enjoy trying though.

Not much to report here. Unlike cousin Kaylee there is no rolling here. She's close, but she just has no interest in it. She'd rather sit up (which she's getting really good at BTW) or stand. We're really looking forward to our trip out west to see family from both sides. It should be interesting taking care of Kaylee and Alice at the same time just Matt and I. I guess we'll find out real quick if we could ever handle 6 month old twins.

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