
5 months!

well at least it was 4 days ago. now she's five months and some change. gosh i tell you i can't believe how fast time flies! it seems like just yesterday we were bringing her home from the hospital! it really hit me the other day when i realized a friend of mine whom i was pregnant with is due to deliver her babe very soon. i thought she was still only a few months pregnant! i had to remind myself that i do have a five month old and that time marches on even if i don't realize it.

so what is alice up to?

--still no teeth. she does have FOUR white bumps though. and they are all K9s.

--her elf ears are disappearing. looks like daddy won that bet. and i don't think i took a pic of them either.

--she LOVES barley cereal. she eats everything we've tried so far (rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, sweet potatoes, peas, carrots, and pears) but this is the one thing she's had that she always opens real wide for and really seems to enjoy. yuck! babies have no tastebuds!

--she's a little giggle monster despite teething issues. the funniest is when she has a major giggle fest and then all of a sudden she starts bawling. hehe, she's so fickle.

this one is for uncle mike who doesn't like closeups.

--she actually looks at you when you say her name. i'm fully prepared for her to start ignoring me soon.

--she just figured out how to blow raspberries. once she starts she doesn't stop!

--she's sitting up by herself. now if we could just get the little booger to roll over! she's close, but it still hasn't happened.
--she's trying desperately to crawl. yet STILL no rolling!! she'll kick her feet until they end up under her, then she sticks her butt up in the air and tries to move. and then the process starts all over again b/c inevitably she ends up kicking her feet out from under herself.

--she LOVES to sing along to her music. her fav? a cheesy freebie we got from leapfrog. what about those TMBG CDs i got for daddy last year??

--she's walking! ok, we've already established she's not even crawling yet (or ROLLING!) so she's not REALLY walking. but she does like her walker. i can't wait for the day when she figures out that it moves and that she can move it.

--she says "mama!". no really, she does. i try and convince myself she's calling for me when in reality she's just babbling. hey a mom can dream!

--she's a squealer. you'd swear we're raising a piglet sometimes!

--she loves to do crunches. i'll let her hold my fingers and she pulls herself up. she usually laughs like crazy when she sits all the way up. i think she's taunting me b/c she's in better shape than i am.

--she's standing. no joke! i hold her hand simply because i know eventually her legs will give out, but she stands there all by herself!

hopefully she'll be rolling by the time i do another one of these updates. if not, i'm going to lie and say she is.


Anonymous said...

This is the second time it's happened.... Rather than your posts showing up on the dates they say, they all come in as one block on a Saturday night. Maybe you're making it that way or something's just screwy. Anywho, thought I'd call attention to it.

Becky said...

yeah, it's blogger. it did that to dad to.