
sleep baby, sleep...

well it looks like dad took the snow with him to AZ, and he brought back kaylee's fussiness and gave it to alice (dad's words). hehe. the whole time dad was here alice was the crabbiest i'd ever seen her and even mommy had a hard time consoling her. sunday she was like this as well and the whole time i was at my in-law's house i was holding her b/c it was the only way she wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs. at first i thought she was teething b/c she has been drooling a lot, but there doesn't seem to be anything going on in her mouth.

yesterday i came to the conclusion that she has been fussy b/c she's overtired. i've been letting her nap unswaddled in her swing, bouncy seat, etc and when she does this she doesn't sleep more than 20 minutes or so. i thought that must be all she needed b/c when she wakes up she's happy. well yesterday i picked her up right after she woke up from one of these short naps and she went to sleep no more than a minute later. so i swaddled her and put her in her crib. she slept for 3 more hours! :) so for now she'll nap swaddled or on mommy. i don't want to see my baby like that again!


Unknown said...

Nah - I blame Dad. ;-)

Anonymous said...

That only works when I'm there... that's when I poke them with pins....