
more craft projects

so since i have a TON of yarn (and i finally finished the blanket!), i decided to work on some projects last week. i found some great crochet patterns online that i decided to attempt and it turned out they were all super easy to do! the first pic is of the "take home outfit". basically it's what we plan on bringing the baby home from the hospital in (minus a sleeper). the second pic is of some goofy hats i just attempted on my own using the pattern for the crochet hat. i found these pictures online at some super expensive baby clothes site of these knit baby hats in the shape of animals and i kind of just used those as inspiration. i think they turned out pretty good and i plan on making some more.

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i've been feeling pretty good this week...except when it's hot. i never got sick because of the heat before, but since getting pregnant if i get too hot i get sick to my stomach. sucks, especially since we have a crappy central air unit that is 30 years old or more. oh well, come the end of summer we plan on replacing the stupid thing, assuming it doesn't die before then. i have my echo this week. hopefully that will go well and we'll have an answer as to why i'm having the palpitations. hopefully it's just the MVP that grandma has. will post updates when i get them.

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