

well i'm not allergic to the meds. i felt a little better but as it is the itching comes and goes and i'm convinced it has nothing to do with the toprol. so i'm back on it and i really hope it helps my palpitations. i did mention it to my OB today and he wanted to test my bile levels in my blood. in pregnancy they can get elevated and cause an all over itchyness. if i have it he can put me on meds and if i don't i'll just take bendryl for the rest of my pregnancy and hope it works!

well i had my 1 hour GTT (glucose tolerance test, to check for gestational diabetes) today. hopefully i passed and don't have to take the 3 hour test. the drink actually wasn't that bad at all...kind of like TANG actually. by the time the hour passed i was kind of sick to my stomach, but that could have been because i hadn't eaten in over 12 hours. i feel better now that i had something to eat. i also had an OB appointment today. things look good, everything is measuring right on schedule and i've put on 20 lbs!! ahh!! dr isn't worried. it's a normal weight gain for right now, but i'm also retaining A LOT of fluid (my feet look like fred flinstone's!) so he took that into account as well. i was making my appointment for september and the receptionist asked me how far along i'll be at my appointment in august (b/c they start doing appts every 2 weeks instead of every 4 weeks once you hit 34 weeks) and i looked and i'll be 30 weeks!!! i couldn't believe it!! i tell you i hope to God that time slows down once the baby gets here b/c if it flys by as fast as this pregnancy has s/he will be 1 before i know it!!

this weekend matt and i are heading to michigan to visit with mark and jessica (and aunt mary and uncle steve are making a point to be in town so they can see me too). matt will leave sunday and i'll be there until thursday or so. jessica and the girls will bring me back and then we plan on doing some things here in the chicago area since they'll be here until sunday morning. i'm very excited for the trip!

last weekend was great too! it was SO good to see matt and lori and of course the girls. the two of them are getting SO BIG i can't believe it! lori and i went through her maternity clothes, nursing clothes, baby clothes, and toys and they sent us home with a car full! we're so very grateful for their generosity and it was a good excuse to make a trip to dubuque to see them and their home. the area is very beautiful. it's all hills and farms but it is incredibly gorgeous. they could certainly use some more restaurants/bathrooms in between here and there though!! :) while we were in iowa matt and i visited his cousin karen and her family. they are about 1 1/2 hours or so from matt and lori so it wasn't that long of a ride. they just built a new house in a new neighborhood (in the middle of NOWHERE!)and i must say it is a very nice house! ...and they have the best bed and pillows i've EVER slept on! it was the first time in many years that i didn't wake up with some part of me hurting b/c of a bad mattress or pillow. that was a good visit too, i just wish kyle and devon would have crawled out of their dungeon (the basement) once in a while to vist it with us! :)

well that's all that's new here right now. hope everyone is doing well!

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