
24 weeks!

well here we are at 24 weeks...the earliest a baby can be viable outside the mother! sure there is a slim survival rate at this point, but at least if my baby were born now it would have a chance.

this past week or so has brought on swollen feet. :( it sucks b/c i do everything that you're supposed to do to prevent it from happening and yet i still seem to have elephant feet by the end of the day (which can actually be painful too). i'll talk to the OB about it at my next appointment in a few weeks but until then i'm doing everything i can to get them back to normal.

yesterday matt and i made a trip to once upon a child. the one by us is pretty good, but the one by my MIL is about twice the size and i thought we'd find a better selection there. boy was i right! we spent $100 on about $300 worth of clothing (and a few blankets) and as it was matt had to pry me out of the isles! there was just SOOOOOO much stuff and they only take gently used items (so no faded clothes and no stains) so it was like buying brand new clothes. the more i looked around the more i wondered why anyone in their right mind would buy brand new baby clothes. as it is matt and i have spent probably $200 total on clothes and you'd think we spent a small fortune we have so many. earlier we bought a few things new on sale and thought we got a deal. then i did some garage saling and realized that i'd be better off buying used. needless to say i will probably never buy a brand new outfit for our baby unless it's less than $5.00 (the most i paid for one outfit at once upon a child, the average being $3) or for a special occasion. so my goal in the next day or so is to go through it all and write down what we have so we'll know what we still need in terms of clothing.

other than that, we FINALLY ordered our crib! we had been debating for months over where we should order it from and we finally decided on a store that we knew we could trust, walmart. there are gobs of baby stores online that i could have ordered from, but you never know what kind of service you're going to get with a store you've never heard of before. plus the crib was just under $100 and with shipping and tax the total was around $175. it would have been considerably less though if there was a store in our area that allowed drop shipping. i'm happy with what we paid though. we would have bought a mattress too, but my SIL is lending us hers. our next big purchase will probably be a wooden high chair. all of the plastic ones i see now a days are so ridiculous looking and we want something that won't stick out like sore thumb. baby depot's website has several good quality chairs that are slightly higher in price than plastic chairs so we'll probably order from them (especially since we have one near by).

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