Thought I'd Clarify
Izzy's heart on the echo shows signs of congestive heart failure, but
she currently isn't showing any signs of it (like sweaty, rapid
breathing, turning blue when she's calm, etc) which is why the doc was
so shocked when he did the echo because based on the looks of it she
should be.
Thank you bunches for all the support.
Posted by
9:16 AM
Update on Izzy
We wanted to let you all in on what we discovered at Izzy's
cardiologist appointment today.
First, the good news. The hole in her heart is definitely getting
smaller (yay)!
The bad news is her heart is starting to show signs of congestive
heart failure. Her heart is stressed because some blood is getting
pumped to her lungs and back to the heart again instead of going to
the rest of her body first. He prescribed medicine to help combat
this problem in hopes that her heart will show signs of improvement
long enough for the hole to close on it's own.
So there's that. Good news is she's currently not showing signs of
heart failure, to the shock of her cardiologist.
The other bad news is that she's not gaining weight like he hoped.
She's gone from the 50th percentile at birth, to the 10th or 12th
percentile now. He wants her to gain more as it will make her less
veunerable to disease, especially since RSV season is right around the
So we're hoping that she does well on the meds and she can put on more
weight by the time her next appointment rolls around. In the meantime
Dr. G is presenting her case to fellow pediatric cardiologists to see
what their point of attack would be to get another opinion.
For now we're still hopeful that the meds can keep her heart healthy
long enough for her heart to do it's thing and heal itself, but the
doc stressed today that he's definitely worried.
Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Posted by
7:40 PM