
90 days...

are you kidding me?! and only 69 until baby is considered full term!! we better get going on this getting ready for baby stuff. hell i just hit the 3rd trimester yesterday...i can't hardly believe it!

well i just spent the week with jessica, mark, and the girls. all in all it was a pretty nice and relaxing week. i crocheted several items, including my items for the online exchange i'm apart of (it's like a virtual shower with this group i belong to online. we're all due in october and we each got paired up with one other woman who we buy or make something for). i'll post that once i know she's received it in the mail. i've got just one or two more things i need to make/buy for mike and rae and then i'll be sending off a box to them as well. anyway, and while i was there i went with jessica to the girls swimming classes. let me tell you, kate is a little fish!!! i'm betting she'll be on a swim team sometime in the future she's so good.

anyway, things have been going great. i'm assuming since i didn't hear anything from my OB office about the GTT that i passed! whoo hooo!! that means no 3 hour GTT and no gestational diabetes. i do have to go in this week to get my RhoGam shot though. i'll also stop by the lab and have them do my draw for the liver/bile test. hopefully that is why i'm itching. we'll see. we just registered at BABIES R US and i think we're going to head back today to add a few items we left off (SEE SIDEBAR FOR LINK TO REGISTRY). i wasn't feeling so great the day we did it so i've added as much to it as i could online and now i have to go back to the store to add more. haven't decided on a stroller/carseat. i do like the fact that the one mike got is so small, but there are many things about it i don't like so we're going to take a look at that one again and at others today while we're there. i'm beginning to think if we even need to have a stroller that will fit a carseat b/c really how often are we going to take our baby out in chicago winter in a stroller? by the time it gets nice outside baby will be large enough to fit in a stroller w/o the carseat so i think we may just go for a nicer than average umbrella stroller and call it good. we'll see.

so the date for the shower has FINALLY been set! it's 9-17-06 and that's pretty much all i know as of right now. annie is going to email me the info soon so i can have it for myself and so i can pass it along to maggie. it should be a great day. hopefully we won't get too much in the line of clothing since we already have a closet full!!!

oh...and it looks like there is some sort of pregnancy epidemic going on in BOTH of our families! so far there are 10 people total in the Rice/Bathje clans who are expecting in 2006/2007!! my SIL just announced yesterday that she's 10 weeks and due in february! i have to say, i'm so glad God blessed us when he did b/c i don't think i could handle being the only person in my life NOT pregnant. i certainly think i'd be back on the antidepressants.

anyway i'm off. gotta get some cleaning done...we're getting our crib on wednesday from matt's cousin joan and i'd like to set it up ASAP!!

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